“Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high.
Joseph William Ferrara, EdD

We, each of us, both you and I, my fellow Americans shall not live responsibly and ethically in these mentally confusing, emotionally disturbing and socially and politically traumatizing/damaging times by remaining subjugated, quiet and passive. Life threatening global events of corona-19 in which questions regarding the exclusionary and lethal proprietary ethics and lives lost due to our self-absorbed 45th president, “The” bigoted, insurrectionist, 78 year-old Donald John Trump, and his exclusionary, unethical, elitist administration of January 20, 2017 through January 20, 2021 need and require full disclosure and discussion. We need the virility of intellectual, social and political confrontation which can be expressed in genuine respect, remembrance and most high regard for our fallen loved ones who walk and talk with us no more. Thus, we are required to be kind, strong and brave with opposing empathic ideals while respecting individual differences, no matter how lamentable, i.e.

“If ye break faith with us who die, we shall
not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders field.”
Lieut-Col. John McCrae

When rational choices and ethical direction is left to the heat of the moment, as we cope with both obsequious Trump and Covid lives lost, we human beings are bound to fail, due to our many inherent weaknesses. What is disparately needed is rational, insightful and ethical direction-setters to help us decide, “no, this or that is wrong”, i.e., Trump’s suggestive speech initiating the January 6, 2021 malicious attack on our U.S. capital was criminal, deserving life imprisonment.  We can be civil to all, sociable to many, familiar with few, friend to one and enemy to no one.  We must never, ever betray one another in this constitutional regard.

Unquestionably, self-proclaiming media victim, prevaricating, ostentatious Trump is declaring some incidental “half-truths” at best, which perhaps explains his current but unwitting popularity. However, many of human history’s worst evils have been perpetrated upon mankind in the name of elite, exclusionary, proprietary individualism. While each man is uniquely different from all other men, it is also equally true that no man is an exclusive island, entire unto himself. All men, everybody, everywhere. any time must live ethically in community with one another. To justly talk of individual rights and freedom without talking of the liberating, humanitarian society which makes it equally possible for all of us is to talk irrationally and distort the fundamental meaning of both societal freedom and unique individual civil rights, i.e., how to be yourself and part of society and how to be apart of society and still be yourself advocating law and justice, political, social and religious acceptance and tolerance.

As always, infantile Donald John Trump, who still needs his rejecting Dad’s acceptance and approval, has his implied misleading makeshift maxims at hand to buttress his compensatory, tyrannical self-serving, oedipal beliefs of narcissistic selfmanship:

“This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou
canst not then be false to any man.”
– Hamlet, William Shakespeare

The erroneous assumption is that if tyrannical, suspicious, antisocial, embezzler, insurrectionist Trump is sufficiently self-seeking and true to the grandiose delusional wishes and desires of his exclusive. remarkably distinctive paranoid unconscious urges, a better society will somehow spontaneously emerge. Unfortunately, as is true with virtually all of pathological Trump’s beliefs, he and his dependent followers fail to notice that Shakespeare put these eternal words into the criminal mind and mouth of the scheming personality, sociopathic character disorder Polonius to reveal how manipulative, brazen and insolent human selfishness can become. Trump’s self-serving proprietary philosophy is a travesty of humanity, an exaggeration of caricature, which can provide justification for any atrocity. After all, delusional, psychotic Hitler, Putin and now their admirer, “The” delusional, “Polonius: Donald John Trump, have never, ever failed to be true to their grandiose, demonic selves by using human relationships as a gluttonous tool for getting from individuals what they hoggedly want while accusing others of having their nefarious thoughts and feelings.  REMEMBER, tricks, treachery and tragedy are the life-time practice of sociopathic, paranoid, 78 year-old “Polonius” Donald John Trump, who is exceedingly dangerous, the enemy and hasn’t wit enough to be honest, trustworthy and loyal, requiring involuntary psychiatric hospitalization, not president of our liberating United States of America.  WARNING:  This mental status psychiatric examination and report designates he is a vengeful, chronic, paranoid/sociopathic dictator who will liquidate any opposing fellow citizens, our Federal Constitution and its Bill of Rights if reelected and he plans to stay in office permanently requiring justifiable military removal and imprisonment.