Where Recovery is More Than a Hope. It is a Reality!
Evidence Based Services Offered for Children, Adolescents and Adults
Mental Health Counseling/Psychotherapy — What’s on Your Mind?
We are a private mental health care provider with convenient office appointments and easy-to-reach doctor. Patients are promptly seen by the doctor – no long hours in a waiting room. Thorough treatment is done by the doctor not a paraprofessional – no shuttling of patients from doctor to doctor. Patients receive a full explanation of their mental health/psychiatric condition – no seeing too many patients in too little time. We take personal interest in every patient’s health, safety and well-being. Patients can be returned quickly to work/family at the highest possible functioning level without being treated repeatedly for the same symptoms/issues. Thus, one does not have to put their confidential mental health/psychiatric care and records in the hands of the lowest-public, managed-care bidder.
Treatment is more effective when it is grounded in an underlying attitude of mutual fidelity, unconditional acceptance and high regard. Thus, intake psychiatric history, psychological testing and treatment policies and procedures are established which reflect basic trust, nonjudgmental understanding, high-regard and hope for those who express their trust by entering into a confidential, i.e., privileged treatment relationship.
* To choose their own doctor.
* To obtain complete current information regarding one’s diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in understandable terms.
* To receive information necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of any treatment procedure.
* To refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the consequences of one’s choices.
* To receive an explanation of fees and billings.
* To voice their concerns, make comments, suggestions and report grievances or complaints regarding their care by letter and/or telephone call to:
The Florida Department of Health
Division of Medical Quality Assurance
4052 Blald Cypress Way
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Phone Number: 1-850-245-4444
By law, all of our patient information is privileged and held in absolute confidence and anonymity. Information will not be released without written, patient-signed consent and only to a named practitioner. Privileged mental health/psychiatric communication is the statutory right which protects the patients in our care from having their confidence revealed during any judicial proceedings without their permission. The privilege is held by the adult patient or parent of any minor patient.
Following office intake, Individual, Marriage or Family Psychotherapy is available in office to:
- Overcome anxiety, guilt, depression, mood swings, suicidal feelings, anger/rage, passivity and shyness
- Conquer fears, suspicion, schizophrenia, obsessions, eating disorders and compulsions
- Resolve barriers to success in marriage, school, relationships and career
- Break free of religion, negativism and self-defeating behaviors, dependency, alcoholism, and drugs
- Enhance Sports Performance/Psychology
- Political Analyst/Consultant
Psychological Evaluations/Testing for:
- Personality
- IQ giftedness/retardation
- Personnel/career
- Mental status/competency exams, testamentary capacity
Remember: Working Together, you can heal your past, enjoy the present and have a happier & successful future.
The earlier the treatment, the better the chance of healthy change and recovery. Thus, of necessity, office visits are by appointment only. Patients’ mental condition determine the duration and frequency of their visits, not panels or clerks. Hence, a patient may initially require longer or more frequent visits and later on in treatment, feeling emotionally stronger, need shorter, less frequent visits. In an emergency, every urgent effort will be made to schedule patients at the earliest possible time. Telephone calls will be returned as soon as patient responsibility permits.
Health is a function of accurate information, conscientious care and appropriate action. One who understands what is going on with their mind and emotions stands a better chance of healthy and productive survival than one who does not. Hence, at the beginning of this diagnostic visit, information regarding one’s previous psychiatric treatment, psychological testing, personal background/social history, current state of health, medications and other factors which may influence the treatment process and outcome are obtained.
As it is our wish to make treatment affordable, all chargeable time per service is computed at reasonable rates. Payment in full is expected when service is rendered unless other arrangements are made in advance. Cancelled appointments will be charged for, unless 24 hours notice is given.
Proving need and liability for psychiatric treatment is often demeaning. Information stored in computers as manage-care companies are bought and sold is unprotected. Thus, a two-party claim is used. Patients pay for services as rendered. Then a certificate of insurance claim/service is issued by the doctor which, in turn, is submitted by the patient to their insurance company for direct self-reimbursement.
We are interested in each patient’s total well-being as a whole person; consequently, if a situation arises which is not within the range/scope of our services, we will make a referral to an appropriate, qualified practitioner. We welcome referrals from individuals as well as professionals.
Each patient’s characteristics determine length of time spent in treatment. How long one receives and benefits from treatment depends not only on the type of treatment required but also upon the strength of one’s commitment and the effort one is willing to put forth. Significant personal growth and problem solving are possible for those who are open and receptive to change and willing to stay with the maturational and developmental procedures that treatment entails.